Winners are Grinners!

Well it has certainly been an inspiring weekend for some Apatchy girls – at the show at Brookfield two of our girls swept the awards – Lesa with her magnificent modern Baltimore and Chris with her wonderful tea cosies. Have a look at the photos and tell me they aren’t happy. Great work ladies, congratulations!

Chris as winner

What a champion!

What a champion!

And here’s the winning tea cosies:
Chris is a winner!

Chris is a winner!

Chris wins again

Chris wins again

Chris makes her third cosy and takes a hat trick

Chris makes her third cosy and takes a hat trick

A little peep at Lesa's prizewinning quilt

A little peep at Lesa’s prizewinning quilt

Winners are Grinners!

Yay! Today we won the prize for the best decorated stall at the Maryborough Quilt Show. This was thanks in no small part to Lesa the Leonardo da Vinci of tree painters, Jan and others who helped with the ideas and the work of creating this display. We had several people taking photos of the tree during the day. In fact Cameron the president of the Rotary Club was challenged into making the owl that we had in the tree.  I have included a photo of him -he looks a little worried doesn’t he?


This was the inaugural show for Maryborough and we certainly had a good weekend. Jan had the crowd in awe with her demonstration of the new Kanzashi flower tool as you can see.


This was actually a family weekend as all of us (Including Mum and Dad) made the trip. We all had a fun time and it was certainly easier to pack up with the extra pairs of hands. Of course Mum helped on the stall during the weekend as usual and Dad helped set up and pack up – they are both important members of the team. This time Luvvy and the teenager-in-residence were on hand to lend support too so it really was a team effort. Thanks Apatchy people!

And the winner is………..

Unfortunately not us. Alas dear friends we did not win the Australian Small Business Champion Award on Saturday night. The winner of our category was Braaap who run an online store for dirt bike and mini bike parts. Congratulations to Braaap and watch out next year!

Although we didn’t win we had a great night and I would like to thank all of you for your messages of support. I was very grateful and felt quite humbled at your goodwill.  It was great to have a few days R&R and I am now refreshed and re-energised and I am looking forward to classes this week and the next event – the Maryborough Quilt Show in two weeks.

Here are some photos from the night:

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These were taken on my phone before it ran out of charge. I intended to update you in the IPad but left it on the bed in the hotel room. As you can tell technology is not my strong suit. I will upload an official photo when it arrives in a week or two.

Super Sister

Arrived in Sydney today for a few days R&R and to attend the gala presentation for the Australian Small Business Champion Awards. We are staying at my sister’s house and look what we found when we arrived here:



Our room was decorated with streamers, balloons and all things apatchy! The gifts are from Mum and Super Sister – jewellery to wear on Saturday night. Aren’t my family wonderful! The pressure’s on now. We’ll keep you posted.

Apatchy is a finalist in the Australian Small Business Champion Awards 2013!

Yippeeio-ki-yay! I am proud to announce that Apatchy Quilting is a finalist in the 2013 Australian Small Business Champion Awards. This prestigious national program of awards was designed to recognise the achievements of small businesses in the retail, service and manufacturing industries. Small businesses across Australia are invited to submit an entry and the selection of finalists is based on business history, marketing, customer service, community involvement and the highlights of the past twelve months.

I see it as a great opportunity to draw attention to the wonderful pursuit of quilting as well as to Apatchy and also to show that a small quilt shop can be seen as being run professionally and as an elite business . Of course it is because of you all that we have had such wonderful successes and now the pressure’s on to provide even better service in the future!

The winners are to be named at a gala presentation evening in Sydney on 13th April. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me and I’ll keep you posted.

Aust Bus Award Finalist001