And the winner is……..

A great day yesterday after our annual Challenge Quilt competition and Christmas event. We had a record number of entries with 16 clever ladies going with the theme ‘Music’ and creating wonderful projects. Because the scope of the entries was wide open we had a wide range of exhibits and techniques.

Suzanne's winning entry

Suzanne’s winning entry

The winner of the day was Suzanne with her amazing creation called “Bad Moon Rising” after the Creedence Clearwater Revival song. Not only was her piece filled with all manner of visual allusions to the song but she had LED lights lighting the alley but also had an MP3 player with the song playing. One person who looked at  it said “is that really coming from there?” And yes it was!

The runner-up was Margaret with her musical cat table runner. Apparently Margaret’s husband suggested the design so he was in the good books. Here’s their joint effort-

Margaret's musical table runner

Margaret’s musical table runner

Since this competition was such a broad scope we decided one judge would be hard-pressed to determine the winner. So we came up with the perfect system – let the people decide! So it was viewers’ choice that determined both the runner-up and winner.

Here are the other entries:

Chris' bird song quilt

Chris’ bird song quilt

Sue's musical score

Sue’s musical score

Angie's homage to Michael Jackson

Angie’s homage to Michael Jackson

Bev's Sashiko meets song

Bev’s Sashiko meets song

Cathy's "Madame Butterfly meets Liberace"

Cathy’s “Madame Butterfly meets Liberace”

Debbie's abstract guitar canvas

Debbie’s abstract guitar canvas

Elaine's wonderfully colourful instrument quilt

Elaine’s wonderfully colourful instrument quilt

Bec said that "even at dawn the laugh of the kookaburra is music to my soul"

Bec said that “even at dawn the laugh of the kookaburra is music to my soul”

Stephanie produced this sumptuously embroidered treble clef

Stephanie produced this sumptuously embroidered treble clef

Jan cleverly made a beautiful stitchery and some squares into a wonderful file book cover

Jan cleverly made a beautiful stitchery and some squares into a wonderful file book cover

Julia was inspired by Mozart for her beautiful piece

Julia was inspired by Mozart for her beautiful piece

Lesa thought outside the box and created "My Green Tambourine" with a matching bag - a child of the 60's indeed

Lesa thought outside the box and created “My Green Tambourine” with a matching bag – a child of the 60’s indeed

Sharyn's creation reflected her love of Mozart and his 'Moonlight Sonata'

Sharyn’s creation reflected her love of Mozart and his ‘Moonlight Sonata’

Speaking of 'outside the box' June's purple people eater definitely ticked the creative box

Speaking of ‘outside the box’ June’s purple people eater definitely ticked the creative box

I talked about some of the trials and tribulations of my own creation and the fact I had decided to have it quilted by a professional. Here is the top so far:

My Top 40

My Top 40

The other important event was the drawing of the raffle of our collaborative quilt ‘Flowers for Trudy’ (won by Susan Seeney). We were very happy to welcome members of Trudy’s family Arnold, Julie, Thomas and Anna to witness the event. Julia from Bluecare drew the winning ticket and was happy to accept a cheque for an amazing $972.20. (sorry I don’t have a photo yet). I was so pleased to be involved with this and really glad when we added the ticket sales and found we had raised so much for such a worthy group of people. Well done Bluecare and well done Apatchy people!

1 thought on “And the winner is……..

  1. Well done to all the entrants for the Challenge Quilt. Fantastic effort. Also congratulations Kaye for raising so much money for Trudy’s quilt. I know she would be thrilled by our contribution on her behalf. Cheers and enjoy your trip. Lynette Henry

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